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Assessment Project

    Launch Your Assessment

    Built your quiz? It’s time to launch!

    If you’re going live with a project for the first time, review the publishing basics here.

    A few assessment-specific notes to consider:

    • Depending on the participation situation, you may want to rethink a few Design-level features before you launch.
    • If you want to prevent participants from returning to previous screens, consider disabling the ‘Back’ button within the Design stage.
    • To shake things up if your participants are sitting right next to each other, consider using Rotate or Randomize options to re-order your questions.
    • If you need participants to respond to an assessment within a particular time period, you may choose to send a Single-Use Link email invitation and set the invitation link to expire at the required time. As a best practice, let participants know about this participation window within the invitation text itself.
    • If you have an assessment that’s linked or embedded on your site or within your LMS, consider setting up Rules & Alerts so you’ll know when responses are received.
