Church Employee Satisfaction Template

Number of pages 6 Number of questions 13 Number of times used 1.1k+

Time to complete 5 minutes(approx.)

Satisfied employees are better able to serve members and guests, more likely to stay on in the organization, and more deeply fulfilled by their work. Regularly checking in with employees allows better understanding and continued conversation on how to improve your work together.

Every employee wants to be satisfied with his or her job, and those who work at churches, religious institutions, or other faith-based organizations are no different. Such organizations must take job satisfaction for these employees very seriously, as employees are often closely involved with members and their personal and spiritual needs.

Employees who are more satisfied with their work provide a better experience for members and guests, but employee satisfaction can be tricky to understand and to support. The Church Employee Satisfaction Survey allows employers to gather deep feedback from employees on their overall satisfaction, work environment, work value, and happiness.

The survey also solicits constructive criticism from employees on what the organization is doing well and might be doing better. Organizations are often best understood by their employees, and employee insights can be key to making improvements that benefit all. Make measuring employee satisfaction a regular part of your annual plan for continuous improvement.


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