Training Evaluation Form Template & Feedback Questions

Number of pages 6 Number of questions 18 Number of times used 1.3k+

Time to complete 6 minutes(approx.)

While there’s always plenty to learn, a training experience can inspire informed follow-up action or suggestions for improvement. Collect feedback regarding objectives, trainings, and trainers to ensure the best possible experience for all.

What is a Training Evaluation?

Understand the effectiveness of your training program and learn how to make it more efficient with our training evaluation form. Designed as a training feedback survey, these key questions deliver answers that can improve your training plans.

How effective was your latest training or professional development offering? Whether you were an organizer, trainer, or participant, chances are you entered with different goals than others had in mind, and you may have left with a different view of the experience as well. Since every training experience is determined by those involved, well-developed training evaluation questions can be helpful. Take a systematic approach with a training evaluation form to regularly collect the information you need.

The Training Evaluation Form collects feedback following a professional development or training session. Feedback is collected on the goals, the materials, the presenter, and the application to the participants’ work. While every lesson may not be immediately put into practice, it’s critical that the experience offers true value to participants rather than lip service to the idea of professional development.

Purposeful, high-quality training can make the difference between a team that is underskilled and poorly motivated to a team that is inspired and effective. Be sure your team is receiving the best possible training by collecting feedback using our training feedback form and taking follow-up action as needed.


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