University Alumni Survey

Number of pages 2 Number of questions 8 Number of times used 3.7k+

Time to complete 3 minutes(approx.)

Build your network by reaching out to your community of graduates. Feedback from alumni can be used to inform communication strategies, event planning, and financial campaigns.

Homecoming games aren’t the only reason to connect with your graduates. Reaching out to alumni can have many benefits and open up new opportunities — both for graduates and the institution. University Alumni Survey questions help you to reconnect with your former students and explore the possibilities.When graduates immediately suspect that every outreach is a donation request, something’s not right.

Start early and build a relationship with alumni, offering them opportunities to connect with each other, to learn about new university developments, and to grow their pride in their alma mater. After all, the better the reputation of your institution, the more their degrees will be worth! Beyond donations and endowments, seek chances to connect graduates as mentors, guest speakers,

and advisors to both your school and current students, helping to increase retention and the value of the education you’re providing. Learn from your alumni to build and maintain mutually beneficial connections, starting at — or even before! — graduation and developing a strategic plan to keep the conversation going.


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