Strategic Planning Survey Template

Number of pages 4 Number of questions 23 Number of times used 3.6k+

Time to complete 8 minutes(approx.)

A strategic plan is a tool that provides guidance in fulfilling an organization’s mission and goals, and as a rule, should be reviewed and amended every three to five years. The Strategic Planning Survey gathers information regarding a non-profit organization’s strategic plan. Its questions deliver insight into stakeholders’ perspectives on the organization’s goals, growth, public image, and communication.

A strategic plan sheds light on an organization’s unique strengths and relevant weaknesses. If key stakeholders are committed to its implementation, a strategic plan can provide an invaluable blueprint for growth, enabling an organization to assess where it is, determine where it wants to go, and chart a course to get there.

The demands on people’s time means that strategic planners must look for ways of accelerating the planning process. Increasingly, non-profits that see the value of strategic planning are looking for ways to engage in the process without taking any more time than is necessary.

Designed to identify areas of high need and importance in the planning process, Sogolytics’s Strategic Planning Survey helps you capture key information and gain insights critical to the future success of your non-profit. Sogolytics also gives you access to the survey reporting tools you need to analyze results of your strategic planning survey, empowering you to make informed decisions.


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